
Our Cookie Policy.

Person Data

Personal information is never disclosed to third parties unless you explicitly consent to it, and we do not collect personal information without you providing it to us through our user portal, shopping cart, and payment solutions, etc. You provide your personal information at your own risk. Personal information is used to complete the purchase or service for which the information was collected.

To the extent that personal information about you is processed, you have the right under the Personal Data Act to be informed about what personal information can be attributed to you. If it turns out that the information or data processed about you is incorrect or misleading, you have the right to demand that it be corrected, deleted, or blocked. You can object at any time to information about you being subject to processing. You can also withdraw your consent at any time. You have the opportunity to complain about the processing of information and data regarding you. Complaints are submitted to the Danish Data Protection Agency, cf. section 58 (1) of the Data Protection Act.


We use cookies, web servers/beacons, and similar technologies (also referred to as "cookies") to enhance your experience with us. We use cookies on our websites and in our services, such as in our user portal, shopping carts, and payment solutions. In this cookie usage statement, we explain how we use cookies and the choices you have regarding our use.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files consisting of letters and numbers. These are sent from Equity or our partners' websites and stored on your device as described below. We use several types of cookies:

Sessions cookies are temporary cookies that expire when you close your browser or app

Persistent cookies are cookies that remain until you delete them or they expire

First-party cookies are cookies determined by the website you visit

Third-party cookies are set by a third-party website

Web beacons/beacons are small, transparent, graphical images that may be in the emails we send you.

"Similar technologies" are technologies that store information in your browser or on your device in a manner similar to cookies or beacons.

Cookies enable our website and services to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, text size, and other preferences) over a longer period, so you don't have to enter them again each time you return or move from one website to another.

Why do we use Cookies?

We normally use cookies to improve our services to you. Some of our services actually rely on cookies to function, while others simply make our services more flexible for you. In general, we categorize our cookies and their use as described below:

Core functionality cookies are absolutely necessary to provide our basic services, for example, to use our payment solutions or our user portal. Our services would not work without these cookies.

Optimization cookies provide us with overall analytical information about your use of our services. They allow us to continually improve our products and are therefore also necessary. Our products would not be as flexible without these cookies.

Preference cookies allow us to save your preferences, such as your chosen language, or whether we should fill in your information for you. Without this type of cookies, we would not be able to tailor our services to your preferences. These cookies are necessary to make your experience with us as smooth as possible and are an integral part of our services.

Security-related cookies keep our services and your information secure, such as by helping us detect fraud and protecting your information. Since this is an essential part of our services, these cookies are necessary.

Marketing cookies are explained directly below.

Marketing Cookies

Equity uses marketing cookies to tailor and enhance your experience with Equity on our website, in marketing emails, and in third-party ads.

Marketing Automation: Cookies from our Marketing Automation platform enable us to be more relevant in our communication with you. Based on personal data voluntarily provided by the user, e.g. via a form on our website, Equity uses this information to enhance its ability to provide more relevant information on the website and through marketing channels.

Analytics: Analytical cookies collect information on how our users interact with the website and our user portal, providing us with insights into general usage patterns rather than individual user information. This information helps us improve your experience on the website and in our user portal.

Ads: Online advertising cookies collect information about your activities and interests across our website, enabling us to display relevant, targeted ads through third-party channels (search engines, social media, and display ad networks).

Cookies we use

It is possible that we may need to update this cookie statement in the future, so we encourage you to regularly review this cookie statement to stay informed about how we use cookies. To see an overview of the exact cookies we use and important information about them (such as our purpose for using them and how long they are stored), click here.

How can you control Equity's use of Cookies?

Your browser or device will typically offer settings regarding the use and scope of cookies, in addition to the cookies currently stored. Please refer to your browser's or device's user information to learn how to adjust your settings (or visit for more information). For example, you can block all cookies, only accept first-party cookies, or delete all cookies when you close your browser.